Olympian Life Coach

Hi, I’m Anna. Life Coach. Speaker. Olympian.

Discover my journey to becoming a Life Coach

Welcome to my website! As a Life Coach, I’m passionate about helping people transform their lives for true happiness and success. But what led me down this path of Life Coaching? My childhood gave me the ‘roots to grow and wings to fly’. I always knew I was going to be an athlete; it was just a matter of finding my sport.

Over two decades as a successful mountain biker and Ironwoman competitor, I developed an in-depth awareness of my body’s needs. I consistently found ways to help my body function at its optimum potential, nourishing it with nutritious food, training, and rest. But I also learned that success isn’t just about physical prowess; it’s about mindset and emotional connection.

My rock bottom

I had achieved all I dreamt of as an athlete, the Olympics, Commonwealth Games and Ironman. Starting my new life chapter of becoming a mum wasn’t the dream journey I had wished for. After 10 years of marriage, and a baby on the way, I had to make the hardest yet best decision of my life. My then husband, best friend and father-to-be did the unfathomable and betrayed both my son and myself. Words cannot describe the emotions that I experienced in such a vulnerable time in my life. I was, totally shattered, 16,000 km away from my family in Australia and 4 months pregnant. I ended up walking away from my life in Germany, from everything that I had established over 12 years. With my 8-month-old son, a suitcase of clothes for him and $2000. I returned to my roots “to learn to fly” once again. When I left Germany, our business was on the rocks and in desperation, and as a result of being emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually at the depths of despair, and wanting to move on with my life, I signed away my financial status.

Returning home to Australia, I had to start life again, a new beginning, a new chapter, another turn in my life journey. My Life Coaching journey began in 2017. Through a dear personal training client of mine, I fell into a life coaching role. She opened my eyes and heart to helping others that have lived through trauma and challenging life experiences. This truly defining moment in my life ignited my passion for learning more. Through researching, studying and undertaking courses I have been able to heal my own wounds and to manifest my dreams and life purpose.

I am the Life Coach that I am because of my life experiences, that is the trauma and successes. I know what it is like to feel lost, stuck and to not have hope for tomorrow. I also know that despite the pain and heartbreak, it is possible to create a life with happiness and joy.

My Life Coaching philosophy

My coaching philosophy is rooted in the belief that everyone has everything they need within them and the potential to create a life they love. I use a variety of techniques to help my clients tap into that potential. Whether you’re looking to improve your health, relationships, or career, I’m here to guide you every step of the way.

So what’s next? If you’re ready to take the first step towards a more fulfilling life, I invite you to book a free consultation with me today. Let’s work together to create a life you truly love.

Life Coaching Melbourne

My life now

Meditation, gratitude, nature, and exercise are my connections to fulfillment. It’s connecting to these energies that I believe help us live authentically, finding happiness and harmony within and with those around us.

On any given day, you’ll find me outdoors around Melbourne, moving in and appreciating nature, living life with gratitude, and nurturing the balance of mind, body and spirit.  

Where I focus with clients as a Life Coach 

My coaching mission is centered on helping clients achieve optimal health and well-being, while also becoming the happiest and best version of themselves. I believe that true wellness encompasses not just physical health, but also mental and emotional wellness, which is why I take a holistic approach to coaching. By identifying and addressing any areas of imbalance or blockage, my clients are able to cultivate a greater sense of vitality and fulfillment, both inside and out. Through our work together, my clients gain the tools and support they need to make lasting positive changes in their lives, and ultimately create a life they truly love.

We all experience life as energy beings, and this has formed the focus of how I help people find their a-ha moment, where it all makes sense.

As a Life Coach I draw on the science of physical health (nutrition & movement), mental health (thoughts and emotions) and the philosophies of mind-body connection and practices of breath-work and meditation. This allows me to take a holistic approach to life coaching and mind body coaching.

I am passionate about continual learning and have completed studies in the following areas:

Clients describe my coaching style as supportive, compassionate, and patient with space to open up, trust and grow.

Is Life Coaching for me?

One of my joys is that I work with people, both women, men, teenagers and couples, from all corners of life, all over Australia. From those feeling stuck, facing burnout or obstacles in their physical or mental health, career, or relationships, or seeking a new perspective and change for the better.

I’ve helped ambitious athletes, business owners, and aspiring achievers, to reach their future goals with a healthy balance in every aspect of their life. For people asking “How do I find a life coach?”, you’ve come to the right place.

Does this sound like you?

  • You have tried endless therapies, psychology, psychiatrists, doctors, and are still feeling unmotivated, lost, stuck, confused and alone
  • You feel overwhelmed and wonder why you feel stuck
  •  Procrastination is common in your day
  •  There’s some block that you feel is stopping you from being truly happy or healthy
  •  You feel afraid of your emotions and push them away, worried about what might happen
  •  You want clarity on what you should do to change how you feel
  •  You put your own needs last, taking care of everyone else no matter what
  •  You want to feel a sense of purpose, but you don’t know how
  •  You’ve tried losing weight and getting healthy, but nothing seems to work
  •  You value nature and being outdoors and feel better when you get out there
  •  You think you could be interested in the strategies of mindfulness if it helps you reconnect and find yourself again
  • Making exercise a priority with extra benefits is something you would value
  • You’re ready to be your true self, to no longer feel guilt, and allow emotions to be expressed without fear or shame  

 Do you recognise yourself in any of these?

My coaching has been incredibly effective, as evidenced by the numerous positive reviews from my clients. To provide a glimpse into the experience of working with me, please find here some google reviews from my satisfied clients.

Shall we talk about it?