"I did it - I felt the fear and did it anyway"
Today I stepped into my fear......literally, I spoke to a room full of recruits at the Victorian Police Academy. I opened with “I used to be really scared of the Police... and one of my biggest fears is public speaking”...
https://www.annabaylis.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/1776CF61-5DAF-4B2C-A518-4F5CAD02A8B6-scaled-e1631510786145.jpeg14591113infomyriadhttp://www.annabaylis.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Anna_baylis_logo-01-300x219.pnginfomyriad2021-08-06 00:11:002024-03-05 22:00:33Feel the Fear
How to include self-care
I know a thing or two about the ‘at all costs’ high achiever way of living. It got me to the Olympics after all, but what I’ve also learned is that it can have significant costs, to mind, body, health and relationships.
Have you ever listened to your “gut feeling” when it comes to making decisions. This saying is now being backed up with studies that have discovered a “second brain” in your stomach.
https://www.annabaylis.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/9FF995C9-A0AB-40A2-9022-2B7F5620BA28.jpeg1280960infomyriadhttp://www.annabaylis.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Anna_baylis_logo-01-300x219.pnginfomyriad2021-04-23 15:02:042024-03-05 22:09:09Gut Health
Time….. if we could buy more of it we would. Days seem to fly by with work, family and house hold chores. We all prioritise our time differently, whatever is lowest on our list of priorities often gets left behind.
Feel the Fear
Gut Health
Time Management