Life Coach Ironman

What does it take to finish an IRONMAN?

Completing an Ironman wan’t something I ever thought I would do.

For those that don’t know what an Ironman is… it starts with a 3.8 km swim in the ocean or a lake, a 180 km bike ride and a marathon run – 42 km to finish with. An Ironman takes the following attributes:

  • Determination
  • Grit
  • Mental toughness
  • Never give up attitude
  • Resilience
  • Fire in the belly
  • A possibility mindset ‘anything is possible’
  • Big dreams
  • Big goals
  • Passion
  • Desire
  • Dedication
  • Perseverance
  • Self-discipline
  • Pain management
  • Competitive spirit

You might be thinking I CAN’T do that, I don’t have those qualities.

Is it that you can’t or you WON’T?

Maybe there is an underlying FEAR in your way.

I believe we all have these qualities within us… it is fear that is stopping us from living our dreams.

Are you ready to dream BIG? It doesn’t have to be an Ironman, it could be a loving relationship, a change in job, or getting fit and healthy.

In my self-discovery and transformational program M.O.V.E, you discover all these qualities that are within you waiting to be lived into.

Take the journey now!

The next M.O.V.E program starts on the 15th of July 2024. Limited spots available.

Why Life Coaching?

Life Coaching can get you from where you are now, that is stuck in your struggles, to where you want to be, on the other side of those challenges. When clients reach out to me they often feel stuck or lost, not really seeing a direction forwards. Through a compassionate inquiry of the inner world we discovery exactly what is keeping them stuck. This can be emotions that haven’t been felt from past trauma, or limiting beliefs or a combination of both.

I help clients discover what is in their way of living the life they want to live.

Are you ready to discover what is in your way? Find out more here.

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